Star of David Vogel Pendant: Gold Siberian Quartz

Star of David Vogel Pendant: Gold Siberian Quartz
This a genuine Vogel Cut Star of David Pendant in magnificent Gold Siberian Quartz Crystal. Part of the world famous collection of powerful Vogel pendants.
NZ$ 225.00
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"Marcel Vogel (1917-1991) was with IBM for 27 years doing research and development. A respected authority on crystals had placed the power of crystals firmly in the scientific domain. He suggested that the key to understanding this ancient knowledge lay in the connection between the vibrations sent out by the human mind and the perfect inner structure of crystals. Vogel was prompted to develop his investigations into crystal healing by working with liquid crystals in the laboratory. After leaving IBM, Vogel continued his research on the use of quartz crystals and their ability to heal people. He was dedicated to intensive research into healing energies, especially those of various shapes of quartz crystals." 

Marcel tried many different shapes for cutting crystals – six-sided, single terminated, double terminated, and so on. But he had had a vision of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. And although he didn't know what that meant at the time, he kept returning to this shape. Eventually, it became the four-sided underlying pattern for what is now known as the Vogel-cut® crystal.

Why Use Vogel Crystals for Healing

Crystals, as Marcel knew, can both store and recover information. A group of Stanford scientists proved this in concrete terms when they succeeded in putting a 3-dimensional image of the Mona Lisa into a quartz crystal and then retrieving it (Newsweek, September 1994). We also know that crystals can broadcast information; early radios, in fact, were called ''crystal sets.'' And crystal or silicon technology is the basis of computers.

The purpose of using a Vogel crystal is to amplify and cohere the thought and energy that you wish to direct into your body/mind or that of another person.

Amplification we can understand, but coherence is a somewhat difficult concept in physics terms. Simply put, however, at least where light is concerned, coherence is the property exhibited by lasers. If you take ordinary light and make it coherent, what you end up with is a laser beam!

So the thought and energy we put into a Vogel crystal not only becomes amplified, but incredibly concentrated and focused. Literally, a Vogel crystal adds to our intent the power of a laser beam.

We can begin to understand why Marcel Vogel might have seen danger in this technology.

Why Not All ''Vogels'' are Vogels

In order to measure the energy that a crystal was putting out, Marcel developed a radionic device known as the Omega 5. The benchmark ''rate'' on this device for a Vogel crystal is 454. Even very powerful uncut crystals might have only a 333 rating. Other shapes, he found, have different, mostly lesser values, and all are different from authentic Vogels.


Working With Your Crystal


Because Marcel used scientific instruments to measure his results, he was able to develop an entire technology in the handling, clearing, and programming of crystals. Rumi Da has shared some of this with us, and we include this information for those of you who would like to try to incorporate it into your work – whether for self-healing or in helping others.

Many texts say that you should use salt, or salt water to cleanse most crystals. Marcel felt otherwise. Dry salt, he claimed, can scratch the surface, or finish, where some of the programming is stored. And salt water leaves a film. Marcel also tested other forms of clearing, such as smudging with sage or cedar. These things, according to Rumi Da, did not work. Here's how Marcel says to clear a crystal:

  • Take a slow, deep breath as you focus on the crystal with the intent to clear it.
  • Then, pulse out your breath, in a burst through the nostrils.

You can do this from anywhere. In workshops, people learn to clear their crystals first while holding them, then at a distance, and then from the next room. This way, they learn through experience that the distance doesn't matter.


You are going to be putting Love and well-being into your crystal. It helps to recall a real, physical experience of love. Rumi Da says that sometimes he even thinks about his Schnauzer licking him on the face. ''Just pure love.'' The technique is pretty much the same as for clearing:

  • Breathe in the Love and well-being.
  • Hold your breath and focus and concentrate this feeling.
  • Pulse your breath out, this time mentally directing the Love and well-being into the crystal.


If you have done this correctly and with loving intent, Rumi Da said, you can hold your breath and you will feel your body resonate with the crystal, and it will vibrate in your hand.

For some people it takes practice to feel this and others feel it right away. You may feel a reality shift.

Once it has been cleansed and charged, you mentally put into the crystal whatever else it is you want to work with. But, again, the foundation is Love, Rumi Da said. ''That is an absolute requirement. Will is not enough.''

I asked why we can't simply learn to do these things ourselves. Since we are simply energy, anyway, why do we need the crystal?

''Marcel and I used to have this conversation a lot,'' Rumi Da answered. ''Why can't you just point your finger?

''Basically, I think what Marcel would say is that the crystal amplifies and coheres whatever you put into it. So wherever you are, the crystal is going to amplify and cohere that.''

Healing with Vogel Crystals

Because the crystal holds whatever pattern you put into it, and then broadcasts that pattern wherever you want it to go, as long as what you are doing is lawful you can change the functioning of glands and organs in the body.

With diabetics, for example, they've done work using the crystals to duplicate the work of a healthy pancreas.

Rumi Da told of a case where one man was able to stop using insulin completely through the agency of working with a Vogel crystal.

''Now don't go out and do something stupid,'' he said, ''because this kind of work is experimental. You need to do it under the supervision of an M.D. But many people have been able to decrease their insulin needs by three-fourths, or even completely.''

By Barbara LaRocca

The purpose of this article is to introduce you to a powerful way of connecting with the earth’s healing energy. One of these connectors is natural quartz crystal that are cut to unfold their fullest power. They are referred to as Vogel Cut Crystals.

After leaving IBM, Vogel continued his research on the use of quartz crystals and their ability to heal people. He founded the Psychic Research Inc., a group dedicated to intensive research into healing energies, especially those of various shapes of quartz crystals. He discovered that doubled terminated wands, cut in the same spatial ratios and proportions of the Tree of Life and pyramids of Egypt, are able to transmit energy that can scientifically be measured.

Vogel was cutting the wands to reflect the famous alchemical transmutation, “as above, so below.” With the proportions dictated by the Tree of Life and the pyramids of Egypt, he cut the raw quartz -- always pieces that had somehow been broken from their source -- and no longer had a consistent or symmetrical flow of energy. Each raw piece of quartz (clear, smoky, amethyst, citrine, rutilated) was looked at with an inner sense of its true shape. In addition, the quartz crystals were cut to the frequency of water molecules allowing them to resonate with the liquids in the body. The cutting was done with conscious caring and intention that enable the crystal to find its true potential and optimum ability to transmit and amplify energy.

Vogel knew that the real origin of illness is in the etheric body. Although the body or emotions sustain a trauma, the etheric body holds the memory of physical or emotional injury and it can become stagnant, distorted, or stuck. The result of this unstable or blocked energy is illness. He discovered that crystals are the common thread in healing that ties together energy, illness, and problems in the etheric body.

Whenever light from the higher realms comes into a person’s body, the light gets refracted if the etheric body is not stable. This can cause illness. The Vogel cut crystal gives the user immediate access to the etheric body and stabilizes it, allowing light from the higher realms to enter. Also, a matrix or template of perfection already exists inside the etheric body. Even when there is physical or emotional trauma, the matrix still exists and can be brought back to optimum conditions by the use of Vogel cut crystals.

(18" chain included)

This special cut was originally designed by Marcel Vogel. The cut amplifies and moves energy in a very specific way. The faceting is unique in that the table on one side of the pendant is an aligned triangle, the table of the reverse side Energy is an inverted triangle. The six sided Star of David is created by this combination of facets and can be viewed by looking through the stone. Energy is drawn into the female side (inverted triangle), amplified, and is radiated out the male side (aligned triangle). Marcel Vogel wore this pendant all the time, especially when doing healing work. He wore it male side out, to draw out the god/goddess within, radiating this into his aura, making it so brilliant, it acts as a shield. Using this crystal as a healing tool, one can place the stone on the body, male side down, put a substance (Flower essence, herb, stone, etc.) on the female side. The subtle vibration of this substance is then drawn into the Star of David crystal, is amplified and radiated into the body.

Gold – Gold Ray, Christ Consciousness: Powerful balancer. Balances the male and female aspects as well as left and right brain. Stimulates the solar plexus and increases willpower and the ability to bring your creative vision into positive manifestation. Aids in connecting to higher self, accelerates the development of psychic abilities. Programme it to bring you all that your heart desires.

Helps to dissolve former misuse of will or aggression that has had karmic effects.

Star of David
Pyramidal Six Pointed Star Crystal

 This exclusive, rare Star of David cut  greatly enhances the inherent beneficial energies of the crystal. Scientist's have documented that energy spirals through crystals and is amplified every time it "hits" a facet  The more facets a crystal has the more powerful its energy.  Additionally, the geometries of the facets affect the way in which the energy moves.  Using the principles of Sacred Geometry, this crystal is faceted into a stunning Six Pointed Star of David shape.

  • Creates an energy shield -wear it for protection
  • Enhances and amplifies your Meditation practice.
  • Clarifies and amplifies your affirmation and prayer practice.
  • Clears and activates and aligns the Chakras and energy bodies
  • Use them in conjunction with your healing practices.
  • Place around the room to create an energetically charged, harmonious environment or healing space.

This is an excellent crystal energy balancing tool for any healer/ energy worker! Our crystals greatly enhance any kind of healing work: Massage, Counseling, Intuitive, Reiki, Pranic Energy Healing, Aromatherapy, Physical Therapy, Feng Shui...the list is endless. 

 Select the one for each day and circumstance. Carry them with you as a personal healing stone, meditate with them, use it for focusing and amplifying affirmations and prayers, or apply them to the Chakra energy centers for a vibrational healing session.

These beautiful crystals measure 3/4 inch across at the base by 3/8 inch thick.  They are available in   Blue, Green and Gold Siberian Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, Smokey Quartz, Clear. These incredible faceted crystals may have minor striations that prevent them from becoming gem-quality pendants selling for hundreds of dollars, but do not detract from their beauty or subtle energy healing qualities. You (and you clients/friends and family)   will love these crystals!!

   Star of David faceted Quartz Crystal

 This Star of David cut, originally designed by Marcel Vogel, is a two dimensional symbol of the "Merkaba Vehicle", or Vehicle of Light. This "Vehicle" is comprised of two, three dimensional three sided pyramids. One pyramid is point up (representative of the Male aspect of duality) and the other is point down (representative of the Female aspect of duality). In other sacred traditions this is referred to as the Yin/Yang, or Shiva/Shakti energies or aspects. Merging together they create a Star Tetrahedron. This geometric energy grid, representing wholeness, is said to be the  Light Body Vehicle which we incarnate into this world with, and which when properly activated allows us to transcend the physical world, in a process referred to as Ascension. This Merkaba or Light Body Vehicle also serves as an "Energy Antenna"" connecting us with our Creator and all of Creation. It is constantly shifting, moving, and dancing in rhythmic flow with our creative conscious and subconscious mind. Using this Crystal Star of David as a visualizing tool, one can become more aware of their own energy grids: clearing, healing and creating what is chosen.



  How they work

Because these beautiful light tools are cut precisely from quartz, they move and amplify energies in a certain direction and can be programmed. The Female side [negative, magnetic, inverted triangle] draws energy in. This energy is then amplified and "flavored" by the program and the type of quartz. The now amplified energies are radiated out the Male side [positive, electric, aligned triangle].

  • When wearing a Star Crystal with the Male side out, the Higher Self energy is drawn from within, amplified, and radiated out into the aura, making it so brilliant it can act as a shield.
  • Wearing a Star Crystal with the Female side out draws energies from the environment, and amplifies and directs them into the body. Therefore, wearing it with Female side out would best be done only in a sacred place or in a positive/healing type of environment.

How to Use

Protection & Healing:
They can also be combined with other healing substances such as essential oils, herbs, affirmations, Reiki, etc. to enhance their effectiveness and transmit their energies through the subtle energetic transmission of the crystal. Simply place and infuse the Female side of the Star with the desired substance, affirmation etc., and place the Male side down on the appropriate area of the body.

Feng Shui: These beautiful crystals can also be used to empower and infuse your home or workplace with healthful energy. Place four programmed Stars, one in each of the directions on the perimeter of the desired space, Male side out to create a safe, sacred space

Star of David -
The Symbolism of the Six Pointed Star

 The Star of David is an ancient, sacred symbol which appears in many spiritual traditions worldwide. This six-pointed star is formed by a downward pointing triangle merged with an upward pointing triangle. The downward represents  the creative, female, Yang, or Shakti energy; the infusion of the Divine into matter. The upward represents male, Yin or Shiva energy; the ascension of Spiritualized matter back to the Divine.   This is the symbol of the cycles of Creation: the manifestation of the Divine into matter, and Ascension/Disoloution- the return of Spiritualized matter back to its Divine Source

 Where the two triangles intersect represents the center point where the two forces of duality; Shiva/Shakti, Yin/Yang, male/female energies merge in balance, as well as the center point where matter and spirit merge and commune.  It is a supreme symbol of Balance, Harmony and Wholeness.

This Star is also the ancient traditional symbol for the Anahat or Heart Chakra.  It symbolizes that balance and wholeness of the dual aspects of our nature, as well as the portal for communion with the Divine, are both attained in our heart center.


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